Disease prevention and treatment A Club Meeting On May 26, 2016 the members in the Philippines held a club meeting at one of the club member Betty's house in barangay S... 2016.05.27 Disease prevention and treatmentDistrict Event / FellowshipFamily PlanningHelping Indigent
Basic education and literacy Helping Bereaved Indigent Family The Php3,500/month family support handout for former parentless street child Nino, his under-employed grandmother Ester ... 2016.02.25 Basic education and literacyHelping Indigent
District Event / Fellowship UP Student Visitors Three students of University of the Philippines who were staying at our club member Betty Vicedo's house for field study... 2016.02.10 District Event / FellowshipFamily Planning
Disease prevention and treatment Teenage Pregnancy Forum #2 at Kaytitinga National High School in Alfonso, Cavite Subsequent to the grade 9 students, RIMM conducted another teenage pregnancy forum for the grade 10 students at Kaytitin... 2015.11.22 Disease prevention and treatmentFamily Planning
Helping Indigent Updates on Indigent Settlers RIMM has continued to provide financial assistance to the indigent settlers originally from Samar Island who were evicte... 2015.11.12 Helping Indigent
District Event / Fellowship A New Member Joined RIMM is a small club but has very stable members. The board selects quality persons who dedicate themselves in helping o... 2015.11.03 District Event / Fellowship
Disease prevention and treatment Teenage Pregnancy Forum at Kaytitinga National High School in Alfonso, Cavite October 15, 2016RIMM conducted a Teenage Pregnancy Forum presented by the single teen mother Ronalyn at Kaytitinga Natio... 2015.10.18 Disease prevention and treatmentFamily PlanningHelping Indigent
District Event / Fellowship Rotary Club of Setagaya Central – Japan October 6, 2015IPP Casey and Rotarian Kimiyo of RIMM visited Rotary Club of Setagaya Central (District 2750) in Tokyo, J... 2015.10.15 District Event / FellowshipFamily Planning
Family Planning Teenage Pregnancy Forum at Taywanak National High School in Alfonso, Cavite September 18, 2015RIMM conducted a Teenage Pregnancy Forum at Taywanak National High School in Alfonso, Cavite. Students... 2015.09.21 Family PlanningHelping Indigent
Helping Indigent Providing Housing Materials for Informal Settlers September 12, 2015RIMM donated initial construction materials to assist in rebuilding the shanties of the informal settl... 2015.09.17 Helping Indigent