Economic and community development Waste Management Project – Continued A MRF (Material Recovery Facility), which our club and Academy of World Healing Foundation funded, has been constructed ... 2018.12.16 Economic and community developmentHelping IndigentWater and sanitation
Basic education and literacy Donations to Day Care, Kindergarden & former Grade 6 students On June 19, 2018 RIMM represented by President Betty Vicedo and Incoming President Raymund Balicha donated complete set ... 2018.07.02 Basic education and literacyEconomic and community developmentHelping Indigent
Basic education and literacy Sicat Elementary School Ceiling Project #2 In the beginning of May, 2018, the installation of heat prevention insulation and covering the entire ceiling of the com... 2018.05.11 Basic education and literacyDisease prevention and treatmentEconomic and community developmentHelping Indigent
Disease prevention and treatment Building a MRF (Material Recovery Facility) Site A temporary holding facility for the collecting of residual waste (non-recyclable garbage) Many barangays (local communi... 2018.04.09 Disease prevention and treatmentEconomic and community developmentHelping IndigentWater and sanitation
Basic education and literacy Providing School Supplies and a Classroom Environment to Facilitate Learning RIMM will continue to provide basic school supply support in poor areas such as the project started Jan. 2018 that provi... 2018.04.08 Basic education and literacyDisease prevention and treatmentEconomic and community development
Disease prevention and treatment Hygiene Products Distribution in Usting On March 20, 2018, RIMM members accompanied friends of PP Don Shields of Rotary Club of Geelong Central District 9780 Au... 2018.04.06 Disease prevention and treatmentEconomic and community developmentFamily PlanningHelping Indigent
Disease prevention and treatment Tondo Dump Site & Pasay Graveyard Visit Humanitarian Mission to the Poorest of the Poor An all-day humanitarian mission was conducted by four RIMM Rotarians wit... 2018.03.06 Disease prevention and treatmentEconomic and community developmentFamily PlanningHelping Indigent
Basic education and literacy Producing Black Garden Soil (“Black Gold”) from Nature’s Bounty Depending on the weather and care, it takes about four months to convert leaves into nutrient-rich, organic black garden... 2018.03.02 Basic education and literacyEconomic and community development
Basic education and literacy 5-Bridge Creek Clean-up: Educating and Leading by Example in Protecting the Environment Sponsored and funded by RIMM in cooperation with the local community and the City of Alfonso Prior to the creek clean-up... 2018.02.28 Basic education and literacyDisease prevention and treatmentEconomic and community developmentHelping IndigentWater and sanitation
Economic and community development Upgrading a Preschool with Education Toys for Young Minds Children age 2-6 attend preschool if their parents can afford the P100/month ($2.0) voluntary contribution and if parent... 2018.02.18 Economic and community developmentHelping IndigentPeace and conflict resolution