President Casey was out of country and PP Klaus and IPP Raymund attended the Team Visit meeting on December 7, 2106 at Aloha Hotel in Metro Manila. 5 district officers attended the Team Visit.
The team was supportive of our various community projects ie. End Tuberculosis Program, Teenage Pregnancy Forum, Visual Art Program, etc. in line with Rotary’s 5 areas of focus presented in our reports. The team relayed that we should try to recruit more members to our club. We told them that it had been indeed a great challenge to recruit service-oriented, dedicated and trustworthy new members. However with 13 members with such good traits we are fortunate to have such members presently.
The new Governor’s Visit schedule is set on January 12 (Thursday), 2017 at Aloha Hotel at 11 A.M. District Trainer Karen told that Governor Yuyek preferred to hold the Governor’s Visit in Metro Manila. The previous Governor’s Visit set this month was cancelled due to conflict in the Governor’s schedule.