Rice-giving, Environmental and Teenage Pregnancy forums at the Kaysuyo National High School

Basic education and literacy

On December 17, 2024, the donated funds from President Don and the club members of the Rotary Club of Geelong Central, Australia with the support of the Rotary Club of Multinational Manila contributed 137 bags of 5 kg rice to the high school students (Grade 7-10) at the Kaysuyo National High School in Alfonso, Cavite.

During the school’s Christmas event Erwin, a Science teacher conducted an in-depth power point symposium on the YouTube content of Past President of the Rotary Club of Multinational Manila, Dr. Klaus Radtke, an environmental scientist from the United States of America entitled “Climate Justice-Children’s World Tour Express Train“.

Erwin said the school will conduct its own programs in January 2025 on the “Youth for Environmental Science Organization” (YES O), an organization in their school developed by the Department of Education (DepEd) to further elevate the awareness of the youth on environmental issues and protection of Mother Earth.

Past President Lito of the Rotary Club of Multinational Manila also shared important information on climate change and its effects to the students. The students appreciated what they learned from the forum and they subscribed and shared the “Climate Justice-Children’s World Tour Express Train” Youtube content after the event.

Gina, head of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development (MSWD) Alfonso and Anacoreta of the Commission on Population (POPCOM, Alfonso) conducted a forum on “Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines” followed by a vow from the students to MSWD committing not to become a teenage parent for their future’s sake.

Dr. Judan of the Kaysuyo National High School will be sharing a video of the forum.

A Certificate of Appreciation to both Rotary clubs were presented. President Raymund received the certificate on behalf of the Rotary Club of Multinational Manila and Aniel on behalf of President Don and the club members of the Rotary Club of Geelong Central, Australia.

The faculty of Kaysuyo National High School extended their heartfelt gratitude to both Rotary clubs for their donations and meaningful forum on “Climate Justice” and “Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines”.

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